Be Grateful for Everything that Comes into Your Life

August 12, 2018 Off By Sam Wong

Thanking and showing gratitude to others is one of the most fundamental and important gestures from one person to another. It exists in all cultures and is the gateway to mutual respect. Sometimes, the gratitude doesn’t involve another individual and is simply an experience.

I’m a pretty quiet person throughout my life and I do many things passively.  I feel guilty sometimes that I couldn’t show proper gratitude and thus may send the wrong signal.

Nevertheless, I appreciate everything that comes into my life.

At the minimum, I’m grateful that I’m married to a wonderful wife, and I’m grateful to my parents and siblings who supported me to this day. I’m also grateful to my friends from all over the world – mostly through work and school.

I’m grateful that I experienced the metropolis of Hong Kong and the vibrant yet peaceful areas of the United States.

I’m grateful that I am allowed to achieve my vision by simply doing what I want to do, regardless of results. Heck, I’m grateful that I’m alive seeing the world!

Having said all that, why is gratitude important?

It’s more than just a good feeling or requirement by society. According to UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, gratitude gives us physical, psychological and social benefits. It brings a stronger immune system and is able to sleep better. After all, gratitude brings positive emotions and for someone like me, I would much rather want to think positive things when I sleep. We also feel less lonely and more joyful towards others.

Human beings are social creatures. At any point in our lives, we may depend on others because we are not perfect ourselves. Bringing gratitude allows us to acknowledge the other people’s effort. After all, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. So, show gratitude, no matter what.

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